Friday, 25 March 2016

A few definitions

Since I want to consider a wide range of stressors for teachers over the next few weeks it is probably worth asking who is at risk from these stressors.

The simple answer is "everyone" but it is worth identifying two groups and having these at the back of our minds when looking at the main stressors.

Group 1: Those with a  diagnosed mental health problems. In my first post I showed a list basically taken from the MIND website showing some of the dominant mental health problems experienced by the population, including depression, anxiety, OCD, bipolar etc.

I am sure that there are plenty of teachers out there in this group who cope perfectly well and you would not know that they had an underlying problem. However conditions can be exacerbated by stress, and there is plenty of that in the working life of a teacher.

Group 2: Those who experience stress and as a result find work harder than it ought to be, MIND page on Stress

The next few posts will consider a range of stressors that are experienced in the workplace, some will be blindingly obvious (but I'll still mention them) and others a little less so. In these posts I will state the stressor followed by a discussion and then (hopefully) some ideas about how to manage these stressors.

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